Tributes & Memories


  1. Andrew Bishop

    I miss you Aunt Nancy. I am so thankful for the years in which I and many others were blessed by you. I know your first birthday with our Lord will be even more than we could’ve asked for or imagine.

  2. Adrian

    Dan absolute beautiful
    Tribute to Nancy thank you for allowing into your world to see what’s close to your
    heart, simply priceless..

    Life in those wonderful years..
    Daughter, Sibling, Wife,Mom, Grandmother,
    Faith walker, beloved friend & centerpiece of the fam…


    To her Amazing Legacy,
    Humbly..One day at a time, with Christ help:

    CARRY ON!!!

  3. Beth Nickels

    My husband Jim and I met Dan and Nancy on a mission trip to Slovakia. We had a wonderful time and made some awesome memories. We would all join together to play sports with the kids and do activities. We had a lot of fun times with Dan and Nancy. One great memories was speeding thru the streets of Slovakia with Pavel at the wheel. Pavel taught us about how they all watch out for the police in their city, oh what fun. I was in Premier Designs at the time that Nancy signed up under Sharon Culross and we had more memories to make in that business. Nancy was one of a kind and had a heart for people. Dan and family, we grieve your loss but know that we will again be with Nancy. Blessings to all of you.

  4. Sue Summerfield Lumsden

    I first met Nancy at Grand Rapids Baptist College now Cornerstone. We were freshman students. She was always smiling and happy and so fun to be around.
    We kept in contact here and there after college life.
    I remember when our daughters both Julie’s met at Lake Ann Camp. Nancy and I both thought that was pretty special.
    I had contact with Nancy when she had her jewelry business. In fact on my birthday she sent me a necklace. She was so sweet and thoughtful.!! That piece of jewelry will always be special to me now.
    Dan I’m so sorry for your loss.
    God will be your source of strength.
    I’m so glad God had it in his plan for us to meet.

  5. Mark

    Nancy was a courageous and independent woman- able to face a difficult situation with nobility, creativity, and strong faith. Most impressively, at every point she turned this into an opportunity to help others. Nancy was a positive, shining light in the world. I will miss her.

  6. Raymond E & Mable Smith

    We have known Nancy since she was about 10 years old when her Mom moved back to the Detroit area with 4 kids. We had just moved there too and we all attended Gratiot Avenue Church. Since Nancy was the same age as our son Doug and her sister Janice was the same age as our daughter Ellen, we began doing a lot of things together, including a lot of time swimming in our pool., and we always had fun. We vacationed together as a family, and when Nancy married Dan we attended the wedding. When Matt, Josh, and Julie were born we continued to vacation with them at Maranatha. One time I had the privilege of attending a retreat where she was the speaker. I was so impressed by her teaching. She and Dan always made such wonderful Ministry partners, fun-loving, dedicated, and with a strong love for one another and the Lord.
    See you soon, Ray and Mable

  7. Carolyn Maricq

    Losing our Mentors
    Remembering Nancy

    We’re losing our mentors, Lord
    The ones who shouldered the load;
    Who loved and served,
    Easing our time on the road.

    The precious ones, always there;
    Always ready with thought, word or prayer.
    These ones bent to the task,
    Sacrificed and gave, not being asked.

    Now it’s up to us, Lord.
    And we feel the change.
    Without their guidance,
    Our lives aren’t the same.

    Help us, O God, to rise up now,
    To their unfinished work;
    To remember, cherish and vow
    to be like them somehow.

    ~ Carolyn Maricq

  8. Karen Makris

    Nancy, you will be truly missed. We met when you joined Bay Area CC. You were the first person to hear my story and where I was in life and invite me to a discipleship group under you. That was a great season of my life, and you made an impact. I will always be grateful to God for you. I hope your family comes across the bulletin from BACC that I wrote you a note on. You have been a beacon of hope and light as you travelled this journey. I will see you again.

  9. Bill Norfleet

    Good Morning Dan and family, greetings from Hawaii sending all of you Aloha today. I am so thankful for Nancy and the way she encouraged Patti to serve along side of her in the ladies ministry at Riverpointe christian church. Patti with her disability felt like serving was something she could not do. Nancy came along side of her and with her help Patti was able to serve along side of Nancy in that ministry. It was a joy to watch her, and she felt she had purpose again. So I am thankful to Nancy for taking interest in Patti.
    I do have a story about Nancy. Dan when you came to then GIBC as a candidate you and Nancy stayed with Patti and me at our home. The next day Nancy shared a dream she had with Patti that I stole her pajamas and she had nothing to sleep in she didn’t know what she was going to do. Every time I think of her dream it brings a smile to me. Dan I am here for you anytime you need me. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Love you all,

  10. Melissa Terrell

    Nancy was the kind of friend who listened and cared deeply about what was going on in your life. I know Nancy because of Premier Drsigns jewelry and I am forever grateful God brought her into our group! She was a Velcro Sister to many ! ….. these girls stuck together in friendship and love. Nancy was gifted in many MANY ways and God used her to make a difference in the lives of those she encountered. I will miss our conversations of motherhood and grand parenting 😃 but will remember her strength of character and abiding faith.

  11. Kelly (Pugh) Clum

    While most of my memories consist of piano lessons, grad parties and weddings…I was so thankful I was able to hear her passion for speaking to women at Kent City Baptist’s retreat a few years ago. (See pics) Yep, she loved worship time. I can imagine the music she’s making in heaven to honor her Savior. She had such a gift for making people feel special and important. I always knew she would be interested in my life and updates, whether I was 15, 20, or 39. She leaves a high standard of kindness and Agape love to live up to. Thank you Dan, Matt, Josh and Julie (spouses and grandkids, too)for sharing her with us. Giving y’all a huge virtual hug.

  12. Pat

    What a beautiful tribute to beautiful Nancy yesterday❤️

    • Sue Bult

      I met Nancy after she moved to Hudsonville… on the pickle ball court! That led to her starting a neighborhood Bible study and a whole new group of women were influenced by her love forJesus and her passion for sharing. It was such a rough time in her life, yet she continued to teach about God through her perseverance and unwavering faith. She had such a big, fun personality that she is dearly missed!

  13. Aaron

    Thank you Aunt Nancy for your vibrancy of life and your strong fight of faith that has encouraged mine! See you again someday, and I am glad you are now seeing Jesus face to face without pain!

    Thank you to Dan, Matt, Josh, and Julie for sharing your hearts with us in the celebration meeting. God bless you, and may He give you grace as you grieve this separation until you see her again!

  14. Karla Huitsing

    Dear Nancy… dear friend, my all things “bling” buddy, the faith filled warrior, my mentor of the water color arts (oh how hopeful you were of my talent – HAHA), the laughter maker, the champion spirited woman I’ll always admire! While I will carry you in my heart here on earth forever, I am so grateful we belong to the same eternal family where we will celebrate Jesus soon one day as one. Nancy, thank you for living well, loving well, laughing well and passing from this earth to heaven with your eyes fixed on Jesus. What a beautiful legacy you left for us. Love you so much and will see you soon!

  15. Debbie Petruska

    So many good memories it’s hard to chose just one. One memories we always had this habit of getting lost every time we had to fine a new place. [Before Gps[ Our joke was that road always goes somewhere.Now her road has lead her home.I know we will pick right up where we left off we always did even if it was years since we saw each other.
    Wonderful service for a beautiful lady as Julie said .Beautiful in so many ways.Our thoughts and continue prayers are with Dan and Family. Till we meet again on that golden shore Nancy.

    • Michelle Mcclanahan

      Adam and I are glad that our lives crossed paths with Dan and Nancy in Annapolis. I learned to grow in holiness from the women’s Bible study and her zest for life was contagious! We also enjoyed time in your home for small group and spending a good midwestern Thanksgiving with you one year playing Dutch blitz! We are also deeply thankful for all of your love and support after our son’s death. So thankful that you have been instruments used by God wherever life takes you. Continue your race with perseverance knowing that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.

  16. Julie

    Mom—your network of friends and loved ones spanned far and wide, and your depth of friendship followed in kind. This space is for all of us—across the world to honor and remember you.

    Thank you to everyone for taking a moment to share who my mom was to you.


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In honor of Nancy’s life, we ask that memorial tributes be made in the form of charitable donations to Alpha Grand Rapids